Tuesday, November 17, 2009

TUMMY TUCK - Gift yourself firmer abs


Many times women after child birth and cesarean section operation have stretched their abdominal muscles and skin to such an extent that  from where they can not return to normal. The skin and muscles of tummy become lax. 
Ageing or excess weight loss can create the similar situation.
Abdominoplasty, known more commonly as a "tummy tuck," is a major surgical procedure which tightens the abdominal muscles and removes sagging, excess skin and accumulated fatty tissue from the middle and lower abdomen. The procedure can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen and a more defined, flatter, and youthful-looking abdominal region is achieved. As an added benefit of this procedure, the waistline will even become smaller and stretch marks are removed.
Liposuction is often combined with tummy tuck. Fat is removed from back, waist and upper abdomen.
Mini Tummy Tuck
The alternative tummy tuck technique designed to treat problem areas existing below the belly button is referred to as a "mini tummy tuck." This less invasive form of Abdominoplasty is frequently performed on an outpatient basis and typically requires a local form of anesthesia.

How is it performed?
Most commonly, a long incision is made across the hipbone directly above the pubic area, with a second incision following to free the navel from surrounding tissue. The skin will be separated from the abdominal wall up to the ribs, lifting a large skin flap to reveal the vertical muscles in the abdomen. Then the muscles are tightened by pulling them close together and stitching them into their new position. Skin is re-draped and excess skin is excised. New youthful navel is created.

General or epidural anesthesia for full Abdominoplasty.
Mini tummy tuck can be done under local anesthesia.

Hospital stay
Two to three days.
Mini tummy tuck patient can go home same day.

Return to work within two weeks.
You can begin light exercise 2-3 months following surgery.

Risks and side effects
For a tummy tuck, the possible risks include infection, poor healing, skin loss, seroma collection etc. Smoking increases the risk of complications, may delay healing.

Scars do result from tummy tuck surgery. While the resulting scars may appear to worsen during the first few weeks following a tummy tuck, they should eventually become less discernible. Scar is hidden in the undergarment.


If you have any queries or questions write to us at info@shalby.org for free expert opinion   

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